Monday 3 October 2011

Shipwrecks and Other Ideas For Diving in Lanzarote, Canary Islands

The Canary Islands off the coast of Spain were originally formed by volcanic activity and the accumulation of hot lava. Lanzarote is one of the most popular destinations for those on holiday in the Canaries, and diving in Lanzorate is a popular past time. This is because its marine life and underwater features offer something more extraordinary than many other diving locations.

The Canary Island chain is broken up into seven major and one minor island. The islands are quite close together, yet each has something unique to offer diving enthusiasts. Diving can get deep very quickly in the Canary Islands, however, it is not necessary to go deep to enjoy many of sites.

There are a number of scuba dive sites in Lanzarote, especially off the south and east facing coasts. Dive sites can be accessed from the shore itself or by boat for a more exciting trip. Generally, the farther out the dive the more advanced it is. In 1993, the island was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.

In addition to its dive sites, Lanzarote is also home to over 500 species of fish, such as moray eels, octopuses, barracudas, angel sharks and sea horses. Some, including the red octopus and sand eel, can only be seen at night. Underwater volcano caves are another big draw for those who enjoy night time diving. . Night diving in Lanzarote is very popular, and those who take the plunge are well rewarded with views that are unique to the Canaries.

El Emisario, for example, is home to a beautiful lava reef, while Pechiguera, with its majestic underwater landscape is known as the "Grand Canyon of the Canaries". Many of the 500 species found in the Canary Islands make Pechiguera their home, so it is well worth checking out.

Since the Portuguese and Spanish first came to the Islands in the early 14th century, the region has seen many shipwrecks. Many scuba diving tour operators offer trips to Lanzarote's wrecks, which is an experience that can't be missed. The wrecks can be divided into old wrecks and new wrecks. And with a rich sailing tradition, there are some beautiful ships on display.

The Harbour Wrecks (Los Erizos Wrecks) is one of the more popular wreck locations in Lanzarote. It is home to some particularly eye-catching ship wrecks, many of which were sunk on purpose.

Diving in Lanzarote offers amazing value to any divers of any experience level. It has a lot to offer during the day and night, and has many diving centres to help guide you. Those interested in marine life will be thrilled bored by the sheer magnitude of species on offer.

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